
DISTRO: Cosmic Sound Child, Tell Me About Bruce Banner / King Guy

Hey hey hey!! Sorry Mouthbomb enthusiasts that this site is not the most up to date, but as it does seem to be getting some usage remember to check out our videos page!
Also, the Mouth House Halloween show was set-up by an art and production group from Alamosa, SLVLC, (thx james, j.c, bothe, butters, max, amanda, britney, kelsey, brian, paul, everyone) and they deserve ALL the credit. I can't find a link to their art: if someone has one plz comment it!!

Finally, three bands recorded some material recently with Joe H. doing the production - and it's RAD STUFF.

CSC "Overmind / Undermind" EP

King Guy / Tell Me About Bruce Banner "Going Balls De-EP"

WE <3 U


New Chutzpah Releases for Split 10"

The Chutzpah side of a 10" split LP they are putting out with the Manxx is on the internet! Check it out below:
Revenge Wrong Pills by ShoanShark